“I always gave her weekly chap money for her maintenance and she bought a plot of land in Oibi with my money and started building, I didn’t know.
“Meanwhile I never bought a bag of cement before, I didn’t know my money could build” David lamented as quoted by myjoyonline.com.
He went on to talk about how opportunistic the said girlfriend was despite getting all the goodness from him.
“Can you imagine, women who come to you and when they cook for you they want to pack some home, you invite them to lunch or dinner and after dinner, after drinking with you, when you see them they want to take away. People don’t venture.
“You give her money to cook at your own house and when she goes to her house she packs some food that she came to cook at your house. You invite her for lunch or dinner and after spending all your money she calls the waiter. Pack extra food for her.” David recalled on live radio.
With all these frustrating experiences, the young man said that he is now more careful when dealing with women.